December 5, 2011

Apple Cheddar Scones

The "at the end of the day thoughts" can be trouble. One part allows you to focus on what really matters like family, love, keepin' it realz in yo life and appreciating everything that comes your way. Then there is the other part that allows you to blow stuff off because "at the end of the day" it does not really matter. But tomorrow comes and the stuff you did not do catches up brings regret alongside.
But then the ability to power through comes. The assignments are finished, showering has worked its magic and it masks the feeling of dying inside and somehow apple cheddar scones have been produced to share that feeling of relief that it is the final freaking tutorial of the semester. Wake me up when Christmas comes until then enjoy the scones. They manage to make everything seem a little better. 

Apple Cheddar Scones
Adapted from my favourite scone recipe and the idea was from a Martha pie and the genius Smitten Kitchen

Notes: These are such a killer Autumn/it-is-cold-give-me-something-comforting combo. This scone texture is my favourite. It is never dry and it is the perfect crumb. Oh and get some homemade freezer strawberry jam, toast these babies and spread that sweet love on top. 

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp butter, chilled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
2 medium granny smith apples, peeled and cut into 1/2 to 3/4 inch chunks
1 cup extra old cheddar cheese, 1/2 inch cubed
3/4 cup + 2 tbsp heavy cream

Preheat the oven to 375ยบ. Line a sheet with parchment paper or butter it. Spread out the apple chunks in a single layer. Bake in the preheated oven for about 10 minutes, just until they are looking dry and a little cooked. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool a bit.
f using a food processor: Pulse together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Sprinkle the butter over the flour mixture. Pulse about ten times until the butter has been distributed to make a grainy sand. Dump this mixture into a bowl. Mix in the apples and cheddar cheese. 
If using a old school method: Whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Using a pastry cutter or your hands or some knives, cut the butter into the flour mixture until it is a grainy sand with the odd larger pea here or there. Mix in the apples and cheddar cheese.
Now pour the cream over the mixture and mix just until getting combined. Dump out onto a lightly flour surface and knead together. I dump it onto a large sheet of parchment. Then I softly flatten it out a bit then fold it in half and softly flatten it again. Repeat again if there is still lots of dry flour bits. I then form it into a 8 inch circle. Take a knife and cut 8 wedges. Place on a buttered or parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 16 to 18 minutes, turning the sheet halfway through. They should be golden and the bottoms should be slightly golden too. Allow to cool on the sheet for about two minutes then transfer to a wire rack.. or just dig in right then and there. Makes 8 scones.

* By the way, that photo is of little baby scones that I made for my class. Every weekend I've been making them into wedges but it always slips my mind to take a photo of them. The little baby scones were about an inch size circle and it took about 8 to 12 minutes to bake. Mini love.


eatme_delicious said...

You're so right, scones do make everything better! I love the combination of apple and cheddar in these.

Hannah said...

It really is a great combination.

Anonymous said...

love all of your scone recipes!